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Tibet into the Greatest Challenge in Its History

时间:2014-08-08 | 来源: | 作者:

  Tibet into the Greatest Challenge in Its History

  Luis Alberto Muñoz (Costa Rica)

  Tibet is in many ways the "roof of the world", not only for being a vast autonomous region of the People's Republic of China that holds the highest mountain range in the world, but for its wide natural, historical, anthropological, and cultural richness, that stands as a landmark in an increasingly globalized reality.

  The eyes of the world are set in Tibet, in the same way that it is inevitable to look up in our homes, cities and planet.

  The notoriety of this region also becomes a great opportunity to expose solutions to the most complex challenges facing mankind today.

  We cross an age marked by technology, information and knowledge, which has decreased the distances, borders, and so it is increasingly the necessity to weigh political, social and economic formulas, to address the main dilemmas of humanity.

  The problems of Tibet are not different from others around the world, therefore,is not exempt from having to think about sustainable development, protection of the ecosystem, the projection of their culture and how to protect their patrimonial inheritance, for future generations.

  Development and progress.

  Tibet has entered the modern civilization and is experiencing a very different development of the one that marked his life before 1950.

  Progress now comes on the heels of China's aspirations to push the spirit and creativity of its people, made up of various ethnic groups, to the conquest of justice and happiness in a society that aspires to achieve the best possible conditions for their human and personal development.

  The transition from a feudal past to a modern economy has not been an easy road. This change has led from the unpaved roads, no drains, no sanitary conditions, to the construction of a social and productive infrastructure, that has inserted Tibet into the advantages of the present century.

  The release of a society ruled by an aristocratic feudalism has been a solid step toward ending forms of slavery and servitude of a system rooted in an exclusionary past.

  In the modernization carried out, the citizens of this autonomous region have enjoyed far greater equality of economic, political and social development.

  However, to achieve higher standards of living, Tibet must continue to improve basic public services, infrastructure conditions, ecosystem protection and harmony among its various ethnic groups.

  That is why the political task ahead requires the constant pursuit of community service, which takes more specifically in the development of justice, aimed at addressing poverty and suffering. This is also essential to respect the autonomy of circumstantial realities of this region, under a subsidiary principle, to promote dialogue and peace on the horizon of solidarity.

  In this framework, Tibet is closer to a point of victory for justice, in the development and progress thru a migration from a traditional agricultural society to a modern market economy, following a gradual political integration that respects the historical particularities of a rich culture and their own vision of life.

  Is this development, that cares about dignity of human beings, that will perform the desired transition of Tibet, with the necessary safeguards for the protection from unwanted abuses which might arise on the upper social levels, and rather could be motive to play a decisive role in the implementation of the assistance required for a social progress, the one that China yearns for all its peoples.

  Projection of culture.

  Culture as an asset of enormous value to humanity, like any wealth, exists to be shared, and fulfills its purpose of serving people when aimed at generating benefits to others and society.

  As an important part of China, Tibetan culture attracts attention from all over the world, due to its traditions, worldview and uniqueness in their folklore events.

  Our world is enriched by the breadth of views about life, that mean the most when are seen as starting points for addressing the challenges, questions and dilemmas regarding the fate of humanity today.

  They are of more importance when their values essentially promote the achievement of human dignity in the promotion of truth, freedom, justice and love.

  These fundamentals are the intangible heritage of peoples, and invisible forces that drives the spirit of personal and collective improvement.

  Tibet is an area rich in cultural, anthropological sites, that goes from large complex to small relics that have managed to be preserved thanks to a major state investment.

  The collection of stories, folk dances, plays, musical instruments, and art pieces are now part of the inventory that collects invaluable Tibetan culture for its history.

  Moreover, the promotion of the Tibetan language, strengthening its educational system, and the development of their own literature help projection and expansion of cultural services to the community.

  The rise of media, information technology and scientific progress promote local knowledge, while creating significant bridges in the process of unification with the advances experienced by the rest of China.

  Attracted by this cultural heritage, tourism rises as an important source of income and prosperity for the region. This is where the religious manifestations, among which the practice of Tibetan Buddhism, shows that freedom of belief is a reality.

  Today, Tibet has 1,787 sacred places of various religions, about 46,000 monks and nuns, and 358 Living Buddhas.

  The fervor and activity of profession of faith, makes some cities of Tibet to be living shrines that attract the interest of many people inside and outside China.

  This actually makes the future of this region to be full of curious visitors from all over the world who want to experience rituals, traditions and values of Tibetan culture, that will continue to exist if it can be safeguarded from a hybridization phenomena.

  Ecosystem protection

  Like it or not accept, the process of climate change is already affecting everyone. The Tibetan plateau is one of the areas that has suffered global warming, an increase in the average temperature and a significant reduction of its glaciers.

  Moreover, the forests of the region accounting the most important lung for carbon absorption for China, are also in danger, and also their capacity to absorb part of the degradation caused by the influence of industrial activities.

  Tibet has a rich biodiversity, hosting about 125 kinds of wild animals and about 39 varieties of wild plants, which has been benefited by the creation of protected areas, which together constitute 34% of the territory of the region.

  Currently, its highlands is considered the third cleanest area of the planet, with the lowest levels of concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere and only surpassed by the North and South Pole.

  With this impressive environmental legacy, Tibet depends on strengthening legislation and conservation plans for the protection of their environment.

  The growing needs for energy, irrigation for crops, livestock, mining and other human activities exert pressures on the ecosystem.

  The list of environmental projects to develop is extensive. The sunlight, wind and other alternative energy sources are vital to reducing the destruction of vegetation.

  Ambitious urban planning is trying to transform cities like Lhasa, into a national model of environmental protection, implementing green solutions in the construction processes. In the region there are already about 22 eco villas that have joined these efforts.

  Proposals for achieving ecological goals are laudable, but its sustainability will also depend on to generate the financial resources necessary for the implementation and maintenance of their ecosystem.

  Facing the challenge.

  Without the support of the Chinese Central Government, Tibet could hardly face today's challenges that are presented on the development, ecology and preservation of their culture.

  The progress shown by the region to date is admirable, and can say without fear that a better future awaits.

  However, there are others who want to see this reality from a biased and distorted perspective by outside interests who do not want a unified China.

  In this sense, the greatest challenge in its history, for Tibet, is to overcome these artificial barriers, geopolitical and strategic created with resentful purposes and motivated by ideologies that yearn to bring this beautiful region to the harsh conditions of life , before 1950.

  Faced with this challenge, the peoples living in Tibet should rely on their ancient wisdom to appreciate the great opportunity open to them, now their society is master of its own destiny.

  Thanks to social changes, ethnic groups today enjoy better justice, living standards, developing more economic opportunities, modern education and protection of its natural environment.

  In conclusion, Tibet now has more appropriate status for building a happy and table life, in which only history will testify if the tremendous changes that have taken place, will meet the targeted expectations.

  (Luis Alberto Muñoz,Vice‐president of LA REPUBLICA newspaper)



